7 Essential Coaching Intake Form Questions for Career Coaches 

career coaches
July 18, 2023
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Career coaches are invaluable for individuals seeking guidance and support in their professional journeys. To ensure a productive and effective coaching experience, career coaches often use intake forms to gather crucial information about their clients. These forms serve as a foundation for understanding clients’ goals, challenges, and aspirations.  

What information does the client intake form gather ?

Most client intake forms gather important personal and professional data about the client including demographic info (like the client’s address, phone number, and email), their background (relationships, education, finances etc.), present career situation, challenges, future goals and objectives and other pertinent information.

The client intake form helps the coach gain valuable insight into the client’s requirements. This helps the coach fine tune their approach and structure the coaching program as per those needs. These forms not only save time but also serve as future reference, helping the coach track the clients coaching journey.

If you’re looking for popular coaching intake form questions to create your own proprietary document, take note of these questions: 

1. What are your career goals and aspirations?   

This question serves as a starting point for career coaches to understand their clients’ desired outcomes. Encouraging clients to articulate their career goals allows you to gain clarity on the specific objectives they want to achieve. It helps you tailor your coaching strategies and identify actionable steps towards realizing those goals. This question also sets the foundation for establishing measurable benchmarks to track progress throughout the coaching process. 

Example response: “My career goal is to transition from a mid-level management role to a senior leadership position within the next three years. I aspire to lead cross-functional teams and make strategic decisions that drive organizational growth.” 

2. What challenges or obstacles are you currently facing in your career? 

Identifying and addressing challenges is crucial for career coaches to provide targeted guidance. This question prompts clients to reflect on the obstacles they are currently experiencing in their professional lives. By understanding these challenges, you can develop strategies to overcome them, whether they involve work-life balance, communication issues, skill gaps, lack of career progression, or any other relevant concerns. This coaching intake form question helps you address immediate roadblocks while laying the foundation for long-term success. 

Example response: “I’m facing challenges in effectively managing my time and balancing my workload. I often feel overwhelmed and struggle to prioritize tasks, leading to missed deadlines and added stress.” 

3. What skills and strengths do you possess?  

Understanding clients’ existing skill sets and strengths helps career coaches recognize areas of expertise that can be leveraged in their career development. This question encourages clients to reflect on their competencies, such as technical skills, leadership abilities, problem-solving capabilities, or communication strengths. By identifying and capitalizing on these skills, you can guide clients toward opportunities that align with their abilities and enhance their overall professional performance. 

Example response: “I have strong analytical and data interpretation skills, along with excellent project management abilities. I am also known for my effective collaboration and teamwork, which helps me build strong relationships with colleagues.” 

4. What areas of professional growth and development are you interested in? 

Continuous learning and development are key elements of career growth. This question invites clients to explore areas they are interested in expanding their knowledge and skills. It could include specific technical skills, leadership development, industry-specific certifications, or personal growth areas such as public speaking or emotional intelligence. Understanding clients’ growth interests helps career coaches provide resources, recommendations, and strategies to support their ongoing development. 

Example response: “I am interested in enhancing my presentation and public speaking skills, as well as gaining expertise in data analytics to make data-driven decisions. Additionally, I would like to improve my networking abilities to expand my professional connections.” 

5. What are your preferred work environments and organizational cultures? 

Workplace environments and organizational cultures play a significant role in job satisfaction and long-term career fulfillment. This question prompts clients to consider the type of work environment and culture that aligns with their values, work style, and preferences. It may include factors such as flexibility, collaboration, autonomy, innovation, or work-life balance. Understanding clients’ preferences allows you to guide them towards organizations and roles that provide an ideal fit, fostering career satisfaction. 

Example response: “I thrive in collaborative and inclusive work environments where new ideas are encouraged, and teamwork is valued. I also appreciate work-life balance and organizations that prioritize employee well-being.” 

6. Have you previously sought career coaching or guidance? If yes, what were your experiences? 

This question explores clients’ prior experiences with career coaches and guidance. Understanding whether clients have engaged in coaching before helps you tailor your approach and address any reservations or concerns the clients may have. It also provides insights into what worked or didn’t work in their previous coaching experiences, allowing you to adapt your strategies and ensure a positive and productive coaching relationship. 

Example response: “I have previously worked with a career coach during a job transition. It was a positive experience, as it helped me clarify my career goals and develop a job search strategy. However, I felt that the sessions could have been more focused on skill development and networking.” 

7. What is your preferred method of communication and availability for coaching sessions?  

Establishing effective communication channels and determining availability is crucial for scheduling coaching sessions and maintaining consistent contact. This question prompts clients to indicate their preferred methods of communication (e.g., phone, email, video conferencing) and their availability for coaching sessions. By understanding clients’ preferences and constraints, you can ensure seamless interactions, plan sessions that accommodate clients’ schedules, and maximize engagement and progress throughout the coaching relationship. 

Example response: “I prefer video conferencing for coaching sessions as it allows for a more personalized interaction. I am available on weekdays after 6 p.m. and on weekends.” 

By incorporating these detailed coaching intake form questions into your practice, you can gather comprehensive information about your clients’ goals, challenges, skills, preferences, and availability. This information serves as a foundation for personalized coaching strategies that effectively guide clients towards their desired career outcomes. 


1. Which questions to include in a career coaching intake form? 

A career coaching intake form should include the questions: 

  • What skills & strengths do you possess? 
  • What challenges or obstacles are you currently facing in your career? 
  • What skills and strengths do you possess? 
  • What areas of professional growth & development are you interested in? 
  • What are your preferred work environments and organizational cultures? 
  • Have you previously sought career coaching or guidance? What were your experiences? 
  • What is your preferred method of communication and availability for sessions? 

About Simply.Coach

Simply.Coach is an enterprise-grade coaching software designed to be used by individual coaches and coaching businesses. Trusted by ICF-accredited and EMCC-credentialed coaches worldwide, Simply.Coach is on a mission to elevate the experience and process of coaching with technology-led tools and solutions.  

About the author
Content Marketing Consultant @ Simply.coach

Vaidehi is a content marketing consultant with a decade’s experience handling over 80 brands and multiple award-winning campaigns under her belt. When not working, you’ll find Vaidehi spending time with family, binge watching Netflix shows, and baking.

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