10 Blog Post Ideas for Your Relationship Coaching Blog 

relationship coaching
September 27, 2023
Table of Contents

Are you running out of blog post ideas for your relationship coaching blog? Are you wondering how to come up with blog post ideas on repeat every month? 

Running a blog can be incredibly rewarding, helping countless individuals navigate the complexities of their personal connections. It’s also incredibly impactful as far as marketing for coaches goes. However, coming up with fresh and engaging content ideas for it is difficult for anyone! 

To assist you on this journey, we’ve compiled a list of ten creative blog post ideas that will not only captivate your audience but also provide valuable insights to improve their relationships. Each idea comes with the name of the series you can build around it, so you can create multiple blog posts under the same idea, as part of the series. 

1. Talk about the art of effective communication 

Series: Top Communication Strategies for Couples  

Dive deep into the importance of communication in relationships and provide practical tips and techniques for couples to enhance their communication skills. 

Writing tips: 

  • Explain the significance of communication in relationships. 
  • Offer practical communication tips such as active listening, using “I” statements, and practicing empathy 
  • Share examples of common communication breakdowns and how to address them 
  • Suggest communication exercises that couples can do together to improve their connection 

2. Shine a spotlight on your success stories 

Series: Real-Life Relationship Transformations

 Share inspiring stories of couples who faced challenges and successfully revitalized their relationships with the help of coaching. 

Writing tips: 

  • Share detailed case studies or interviews with couples who have undergone successful coaching experiences 
  • Highlight the challenges they faced and the specific coaching strategies that helped them 
  • Include before-and-after anecdotes to demonstrate the positive changes in their relationships 

3. Share tips for navigating long-distance love  

Series: Tips for Making It Work Long-Distance 

Offer guidance on maintaining strong connections when couples are separated by distance, discussing communication, trust-building, and more. 

Writing tips: 

  • Discuss the emotional and practical challenges of long-distance relationships 
  • Provide guidance on maintaining trust, intimacy, and emotional connection from afar 
  • Offer suggestions for technology-based tools and apps that can enhance communication 

4. Share your knowledge about the psychology of love languages 

Series: How to Speak Your Partner’s Language

 Explore the concept of love languages and explain how understanding and accommodating your partner’s love language can lead to deeper connections. 

Writing tips: 

  • Explain the concept of love languages (Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch) 
  • Help readers identify their own love languages and those of their partners 
  • Offer advice on how to tailor expressions of love to match each partner’s preferred love language 

5. Provide advice on building healthy boundaries 

Series: A Blueprint for Relationship Boundaries 

Discuss the significance of boundaries in relationships and provide practical advice on establishing and maintaining them. 

Writing tips: 

  • Define what healthy boundaries are and why they are crucial in relationships 
  • Share real-life examples of the consequences of lacking boundaries 
  • Provide steps and exercises for couples to establish and maintain healthy boundaries 

6. Talk about the impact of technology on modern relationships 

Series: Balancing Tech and Love 

Analyze the role of technology in today’s relationships, including its benefits and potential pitfalls, and offer strategies for healthy tech use. 

Writing tips: 

  • Explore the benefits of technology in relationships, such as staying connected and enhancing intimacy 
  • Discuss common challenges, including overdependence on technology and digital conflicts 
  • Offer guidelines for using technology mindfully in relationships 

7. Talk about the power of forgiveness 

Series: Healing Wounds in Relationships  

Examine the importance of forgiveness in relationships, share personal anecdotes or case studies, and provide steps for forgiveness and reconciliation. 

Writing tips: 

  • Explore the psychological and emotional aspects of forgiveness 
  • Share personal stories or case studies of couples who healed through forgiveness 
  • Provide a step-by-step guide to the process of forgiving and rebuilding trust 

8. Share tips on couples’ self-care 

Series: Nurturing Your Relationship and Individual Well-being  

Explore the connection between self-care and healthy relationships, offering suggestions for couples to prioritize self-care together. 

Writing tips: 

  • Discuss the connection between self-care and relationship health 
  • Offer self-care strategies for couples to practice together, such as meditation, exercise, or date nights 
  • Highlight the importance of balancing individual and shared self-care 

9. Point out relationship red flags 

Series: Signs It’s Time to Seek Coaching  

Help readers identify common warning signs of troubled relationships and emphasize the value of relationship coaching in addressing these issues. 

Writing tips: 

  • Identify common warning signs of troubled relationships, such as frequent conflicts or emotional distancing 
  • Stress the importance of recognizing these signs early 
  • Explain how relationship coaching can help address these issues and offer hope for positive change 

10. Talk about exploring non-traditional relationships 

Series: Polyamory, Open Relationships, and More 

Delve into various non-traditional relationship models, explaining what they entail and providing guidance for those considering alternative paths. 

Writing tips: 

  • Define various non-traditional relationship models, including polyamory, open relationships, and consensual non-monogamy 
  • Discuss the challenges and benefits of these relationship styles 
  • Provide advice for individuals and couples considering or currently in non-traditional relationships, including communication and boundary-setting tips 

With these ten creative content ideas for your relationship coaching blog, you have a wealth of topics to engage your readers and offer valuable insights into building healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Remember, the key to a successful coaching blog is not only sharing knowledge but also creating a space where individuals can find guidance, support, and inspiration for their own relationship journeys. Happy blogging! 

About the author
Content Marketing Consultant @ Simply.coach

Vaidehi is a content marketing consultant with a decade’s experience handling over 80 brands and multiple award-winning campaigns under her belt. When not working, you’ll find Vaidehi spending time with family, binge watching Netflix shows, and baking.

About Simply.Coach

Simply.Coach is an enterprise-grade coaching software designed to be used by individual coaches and coaching businesses. Trusted by ICF-accredited and EMCC-credentialed coaches worldwide, Simply.Coach is on a mission to elevate the experience and process of coaching with technology-led tools and solutions.  

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