Best Time Tracking and Invoicing Software for Consultants

May 14, 2024
By Team Simply.Coach
Best Time Tracking and Invoicing Software for Consultants

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Juggling client projects, delivering stellar results, and keeping track of every billable minute? As a consultant, you know the struggle is real. 
Time tracking and invoicing are the unsung heroes of the consulting world. They ensure you get paid what you’re worth and free up mental space to focus on what you do best – guiding your clients to success.

But let’s be honest, manually wrestling spreadsheets and chasing down approvals can feel like herding cats.
Fortunately, there’s a better way. Consider these software solutions designed to simplify your time tracking and invoicing woes.

These handy tools not only automate tedious tasks but also offer valuable insights to help you manage your projects with ease. 

Criteria for Choosing the Best Software

Alright, so you’re ready to ditch the paper chase and embrace the digital age of billing.

But with a gazillion options out there, how do you pick the perfect software for your needs? Here are the key features to consider when making your choice:

1. Ease of Use and Customization Options

Look for a software that’s intuitive and user-friendly. Complexity only adds to your workload! Plus, customization options let you tailor the platform to your specific workflow.
Let’s face it, your time is valuable. Spending hours figuring out a new software is a recipe for frustration. Pick something that feels as natural as checking your email – after all, who needs another learning curve?

2. Integration Capabilities with Other Apps and Services

Do you use a project management tool like Asana or Trello? Does your calendar live in Google Calendar? A software that seamlessly integrates with your existing suite of apps saves you time and eliminates the need for duplicate data entry.
Think of it like having your favorite tools working together in perfect harmony – a beautiful symphony of productivity!

3. Real-time Tracking of Billable Hours and Expenses

No more scrambling to reconstruct your week at the end of the month. Real-time tracking lets you accurately capture every billable minute and expense, ensuring you get paid for the full value you deliver.

Remember, accurate billing is key to maintaining a healthy cash flow.  Real-time tracking helps you avoid under-billing yourself and eliminates the stress of chasing down missing information later.

4. Compliance with Global Invoicing Standards and E-Invoicing

If you work with international clients, ensure the software complies with relevant invoicing standards and e-invoicing regulations.

No one wants to deal with rejected invoices or tax headaches. Choosing a software that handles global compliance gives you peace of mind and keeps your international business running smoothly.

5. Payment Processing and Automation Features

Getting paid shouldn’t be another hurdle. Look for software that integrates with popular payment gateways and allows you to automate invoice reminders and follow-ups.

Imagine the time you’ll save by automating these tasks! Plus, faster payments mean a healthier cash flow for your business.

Read: 5 Stress-Relieving Benefits of Automation for Consulting Companies

6. Access to Detailed Reports and Analytics for Better Project Management

Get comprehensive insights on your data with detailed reports and analytics. These can help you identify areas for improvement, optimize your pricing structure, and manage your projects more effectively.

Think of it as having a crystal ball for your consulting business. Data-driven insights empower you to make informed decisions and take your business to the next level.

By keeping these criteria in mind, you’re well on your way to finding the perfect time tracking and invoicing software for your consulting needs.

Remember, the right tool can free you from administrative burdens and empower you to focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional value to your clients.

Top 10 Time Tracking and Invoicing Softwares for Consultants

Now that you’re armed with the criteria for choosing the perfect software, let’s check out the top contenders in the consultant’s corner. 

1. Simply.Coach

Top rated by users across 35+countries, Simply Coach boasts a secure and user-friendly interface that seamlessly integrates with your existing scheduling and project management tools.
This platform goes beyond basic time tracking and invoicing as it flawlessly schedules appointments, manages projects, generates reports, automates invoices and keeps track of payments – all within a centralized hub designed to empower you and impress your clients.

Key Features

Client ManagementBusiness Management
Goal & Development PlanningJourney Builder
Digital ToolsSubscription & Session Packages
InsightsShowcase Page
Stakeholder IntegrationCreating Contracts 
Action Plans & Coaching ProgramsEmail Integration
Coach Matching Contact Management
NudgesLinkedIn Integration
Scheduling SoftwareInvoicing & Payments 
Notes & Client WorkspaceEmbedded Video Conferencing
Resource LibraryProspect Management
Team EngagementsProfessional Development Log

2. Zoho Invoice

Zoho Invoice, a component of the broader Zoho suite of business applications, is ideal for consultants seeking a straightforward yet robust invoicing solution.

This software allows you to create professional invoices in minutes, set up recurring billing for ongoing projects, and integrate with popular payment gateways for faster client payments.


  • Recurring Billing: Set up automatic invoices for ongoing projects and ensure a steady cash flow
  • Payment Gateway Integration: Accept payments quickly and securely through popular payment gateways like PayPal or Stripe
  • Professional Invoicing: Create professional invoices in minutes with customizable templates that showcase your brand

3. QuickBooks

A household name in financial management, QuickBooks offers a robust solution for your needs. Track your income and expenses in real-time, gain valuable insights with detailed reports, and integrate with a wide range of business apps to create a powerful financial hub.


  • Real-time Tracking: Gain a clear view of your financial health with real-time income and expense tracking
  • Detailed Reports: Uncover valuable insights with comprehensive reports that help you analyze project profitability and make informed decisions
  • App Integrations: Connect QuickBooks with a wide range of business apps to create a centralized hub for all your financial needs

4. FreshBooks

FreshBooks takes the dread out of financial management for you. This user-friendly software automates repetitive tasks like recurring invoices, freeing you up to focus on what matters most –  growing your business.  

With intuitive dashboards, you can keep a watchful eye on your cash flow and make informed financial decisions in real-time.  


  • Recurring Invoice Automation: Save time and eliminate errors by automating recurring invoices for your clients
  • Cash Flow Management: Monitor your cash flow with intuitive dashboards that keep you informed about your financial health
  • CRM Integration: Streamline your client relationships by integrating FreshBooks with your CRM system for a seamless workflow

5. Toggl Track

Renowned for its user-friendly interface, Toggl Track empowers you to stay on top of your projects with effortless time tracking. Freelancers and businesses can use Toggl Track to monitor how much time they spend on different tasks and projects. 

With a simple start and stop button, Toggl Track allows you to effortlessly capture your work hours without getting bogged down by complex features. 

Whether you’re a solopreneur or managing a team, Toggl Track can help you gain valuable insights into your time allocation and improve your productivity.


  • Detailed Productivity Reports: Analyze your time usage and identify areas for improvement with in-depth productivity reports
  • Offline Functionality: Track your time even when you’re offline – Toggl Track seamlessly syncs your data once you’re back online
  • Project Tracking: Track time across different projects with ease and ensure accurate billing for each client

6. Clockify

Clockify is a free time tracking app that lets teams and individuals keep tabs on their work hours. It goes beyond just recording time by offering features like timesheets, project tracking, and reporting. 

This makes Clockify a good choice for consultants who need a more comprehensive solution to manage projects and track billable hours.  With Clockify, you can collaborate with your team, set deadlines, and see how your projects are progressing, all in one place.


  • Intuitive Interface: Get started quickly and easily with Clockify’s user-friendly interface that’s designed for simplicity
  • Project Profitability Reports: Understand how profitable your projects are with detailed reports that break down costs and time spent
  • Billing Platform Integration: Connect Clockify with popular billing platforms to streamline your invoicing process

7. Harvest

Manage your projects on the go with Harvest’s mobile app. Bill clients directly, track expenses with ease, and enjoy a user-friendly platform that makes time tracking a breeze.

Harvest simplifies the process of getting paid by offering features like automatic invoice reminders and secure online payments. This lets you focus on what you do best – delivering exceptional service to your clients.


  • Mobile App for On-the-Go Tracking: Track your time and manage projects from anywhere with Harvest’s convenient mobile app
  • Direct Client Billing: Bill your clients directly through Harvest, eliminating the need for separate invoicing software
  • Expense Tracking: Keep your finances organized by tracking project-related expenses directly within Harvest

8. Time Doctor

Looking to boost your team’s productivity? Time Doctor offers silent and interactive time tracking features, payroll management tools, and insightful productivity analysis to help you get the most out of your team.

It goes beyond simple time tracking by including features like website and application monitoring, and even capturing screenshots. This allows you to understand how your team members are spending their work hours and identify areas for improvement.


  • Silent & Interactive Time Tracking: Choose between silent tracking for privacy or interactive prompts to stay focused
  • Payroll Management: Simplify payroll tasks with built-in features for managing time sheets and calculating payments (if you have a team)
  • Productivity Analysis: Gain valuable insights into your team’s (or your own) productivity with detailed analytics

9. Bill4Time

Built specifically for consultants, Bill4Time offers a comprehensive suite of features to manage your time tracking and billing needs. From detailed time sheets to powerful reporting tools, Bill4Time has everything you need to streamline your workflow and maximize profitability.

Bill4Time automates many time-consuming tasks associated with billing and client management, allowing you to focus on delivering top-notch services to clients and get paid faster.


  • Comprehensive Time Tracking: Track your time accurately with a variety of features like timers, timesheets, and project budgeting
  • Powerful Reporting Tools: Uncover trends and optimize your workflow with Bill4Time’s robust reporting and analytics capabilities
  • Flexible Billing Options: Choose from hourly, project-based, or retainer billing models to fit your specific client needs

10. HoneyBook

HoneyBook is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform designed specifically for creative consultants like photographers, wedding planners, and event coordinators. It streamlines the client experience by allowing you, as the creative consultant, to manage inquiries, contracts, invoices, and workflows in one centralized location,  facilitating a smooth and successful client journey from start to finish.

With Honeybook, you can showcase your work, convert leads into bookings, and seamlessly manage projects, ensuring a streamlined client experience from inquiry to project completion.


  • Pre-Built Templates: Design beautiful proposals, contracts, and invoices with pre-built templates that save you time and ensure a polished presentation
  • Automated Time Tracking: Track project time automatically, eliminating the need for manual entries
  • Seamless Client Communication: Manage all your client communication within HoneyBook, keeping everything organized and centralized

Remember, this is just a starting point.  With so many great options available, take some time to explore these software solutions and find the perfect fit for your consulting business. 

The right time tracking and invoicing software can empower you to streamline your workflow, boost your productivity, and ultimately, achieve greater success.

Advantages of Using Software Solutions

No more chasing down late approvals or wondering if you’re getting paid for everything you do.  Sounds good? Time tracking and invoicing software can make this your reality!

Now that you’ve explored the top contenders in the consultant’s corner, let’s delve into the key considerations to ensure you choose the perfect software for your specific needs.

1. Increased accuracy and transparency in billing

Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to confidence! With real-time tracking, you can ensure your invoices accurately reflect the time and effort you’ve invested in each project. 
This transparency fosters trust with your clients, who can see exactly what they’re paying for. No more haggling or disputes – just clear communication and a smooth billing process.

2. Enhanced productivity through better task management

Time tracking software isn’t just about hours, it’s about empowering you to be your most productive self. By tracking how much time you spend on different tasks, you can identify areas for improvement.

Are you spending too much time on administrative tasks? The software can help you streamline those processes. Are certain project phases consistently eating up more time than expected? Use this data to refine your approach and get things done faster.

3. Streamlined workflow with automation

Tired of repetitive tasks like creating invoices or chasing overdue payments?  Software automates these tedious processes, freeing up your valuable time to focus on what matters most –  delivering exceptional results for your clients.  

Automated recurring invoices ensure you get paid on time, every time.  Integration with payment gateways allows for easy online payments, further streamlining your workflow and cash flow.

4. Improved client trust with professional invoicing

Presentation matters!  Professional invoices that showcase your branding and clearly communicate the value you deliver go a long way in establishing trust with your clients. 

Many time tracking and invoicing software solutions offer customizable invoice templates that allow you to create polished documents that reflect your professionalism.

5. Facilitates global compliance and e-invoicing

 The world is your oyster!

If you work with international clients, you need software that ensures compliance with relevant invoicing standards and e-invoicing regulations. 

This eliminates the headaches of rejected invoices and tax issues, allowing you to focus on growing your international business ventures.

To know more about the benefits of consultant billing software, read 5 Benefits of Using Consulting Management Software in 2024

Considerations When Selecting Software

Alright, you’re revved up about the potential of time tracking and invoicing software, but with a plethora of options out there, how do you pick the perfect match for your consulting business?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are some pro tips to pick the one that fits like a glove.

1. Specific needs of the consultancy practice

Every consultancy is unique. Before diving headfirst into features and comparisons, take a step back and assess your specific requirements. 

Are you a solopreneur or do you manage a team? Do you work with a handful of clients on retainer agreements, or do you juggle multiple projects with varying billing structures?  Understanding your individual needs will guide you towards software that offers the most relevant functionalities.

2. Volume of clients and invoicing frequency

Once you’ve pinpointed your needs, it’s time to assess the volume of clients you manage and the frequency of your invoicing.

The size and scale of your operation will also influence your software selection. If you have a small client base and send out invoices infrequently, a basic solution might suffice.

However, if you manage a high volume of clients and projects with complex billing needs, you’ll likely require a more robust software with advanced features.

3. Budget constraints and return on investment

Now, let’s talk numbers! 

Time tracking and invoicing software is an investment, but it should also deliver a healthy return. Consider your budget and prioritize features that directly address your pain points and inefficiencies. 

Remember, even a seemingly affordable software can become a burden if it doesn’t streamline your workflow or meet your specific needs.  Look for a solution that offers a clear path to ROI, allowing you to recoup your investment through increased efficiency and improved cash flow.

4. Technical support and software scalability

Support and scalability are the twin pillars of a successful software selection. Ensure the provider offers reliable technical support, because let’s face it, even the best of us encounter tech hiccups now and then.

Additionally, consider the software’s scalability. Can it adapt and grow alongside your business?  The last thing you want is to be locked into a solution that becomes restrictive as your consultancy thrives.

5. Availability of a trial period to gauge suitability

Last but certainly not least, test drive before you buy! Most software solutions offer this golden opportunity to test their compatibility with your workflow.

This allows you to explore the interface, test-drive features, and see if the software feels like a natural fit for your workflow. Don’t be afraid to experiment with a few different options before making your final decision.


Phew, that was a ride, wasn’t it? Ready to wrap it up and make some moves?

As consultants, we all know the importance of accurate time tracking and efficient invoicing. Yet, manually wrestling with these tasks is taxing.

This guide has unpacked the key features to consider when selecting the perfect time tracking and invoicing software for your consulting needs. We’ve also explored some of the top contenders in the consultant’s corner, giving you a glimpse into the functionalities they offer.

Now, it’s your turn to streamline your workflow and free up valuable time to focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional value to your clients.

Are you still feeling overwhelmed by the options? Simply.Coach can be your one-stop shop for conquering the consulting chaos. We go beyond basic scheduling software, offering a comprehensive suite of tools designed to digitize your entire business.  

Book a free call with our team and discover how Simply.Coach can transform your workflow. We’ll show you how to seamlessly manage projects, effortlessly track time, and send invoices with a smile – all from one user-friendly platform.

About Simply.Coach

Simply.Coach is an enterprise-grade coaching software designed to be used by individual coaches and coaching businesses. Trusted by ICF-accredited and EMCC-credentialed coaches worldwide, Simply.Coach is on a mission to elevate the experience and process of coaching with technology-led tools and solutions.  

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