Gareth Hawkins

Gareth Hawkins
Business & Leadership Coach
London, England, United Kingdom
Gareth Hawkins got certified as a business and leadership coach to pass on the skills and experience he had gained from climbing the corporate ladder for over 20 years. Today as an advisor, coach and angel investor, he supports business leaders, founders and owners in making informed decisions, finding the right balance, tapping into their full potential and in turn, delivering high-quality results for their organizations.
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Hi, I’m Gareth the business and leadership coach from London, UK. I chose Simply.Coach after some careful research [of the] available coaching platform options out there, because it enables me to manage my individual clients alongside the company and regional cohort engagements that I have. And it provides so many useful features that enhance the experience for my coachees, whilst also reducing my own administration.
Simply.Coach makes it super easy to curate and selectively share a library of resources with my clients. And it provides a fast and intuitive way to build Digital Tools, which therefore capture my client’s reflections, visioning, journaling and session feedback etc. As my coaching practice has grown, Simply.Coach has enabled me to quickly add additional associate coaches to my team, and allocate clients and sessions to them whilst maintaining oversight and ensuring consistency.
So [in] my opinion, Simply.Coach represents great value, and I’m really excited about its roadmap of planned new features which will no doubt complete its comprehensive offering and make it a platform of choice for many great coaches, both established and aspiring. So, give it a try!
Standout Simply.Coach Features for Gareth
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