7 Ways to Help Your Client Increase Their Self-Management Capabilities

01 Role Clarity

Deepen your clients' understanding about their responsibilities and how they fit into the bigger picture – professional or personal


02 Goal Alignment

Work with your clients to align their short-term goals with long-term ones which will help them to stay on track and maintain sight of their vision


03 Strategic Planning


Visualise with your clients backwards from their desired outcomes to determine what they need to do in order to get there and create an action plan

04 Priority Setting


Guide your clients to set priorities so most important tasks don't get side-tracked and they can achieve goals in the most efficient manner

05 Self-Awareness


Teach techniques to your client to pause and consciously assess thoughts, feelings, desires and be in better control of their action

06 Emotional Regulation


Help your clients regulate their emotions so they can rationally think about what's  important and work through obstacles int the most coherent way possible

07  Self-Care


Empower your clients to nurture themselves which will maintain clarity of thought, productivity and enhance their capacity to optimally achieve their goals

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