Business COaching

Specialist Vs Generalist: Which Coaching Route to Take?

By Simply.Coach

You as a coach will be with your client, walk alongside them on their journey – providing facts, insights, observations, stories as tools to help the client better their game.

Your role as a Coach

That is why, the most important thing a client looks for when hiring a coach is the coach’s background & experience 

Why clients need specialists

So, while no one is stopping you from being a generalist, what is the area that you feel more drawn to?  That will help you stand out for clients.

Finding your niche

Go for it. But do your own research and figure out what people are looking for when they’re looking to hire a coach.

Set on being a generalist coach?

Whether you’re a generalist coach or specialise in a particular area, what clients are looking for should be your north star.

It’s All About What the Client Wants

How will you make prospective clients feel confident about your abilities?