Marshall Goldsmith’s Daily Questions Can Help Your Clients Lead More Satisfied Lives
What Is the Daily Question Process?
Coined by Marshall Goldsmith, the Daily Question Process is a checklist of sorts, based in active questioning over passive.
Setting Up
This involves a simple 2-step process:
1. Ask your client to generate a list of questions that align best with their values and help them achieve their desired outcomes.
2. Design a process to get clients to ask themselves and answer those questions twice a day.
The 6 Daily Questions
1. Did I do my best to increase my happiness?
2. Did I do my best to find meaning?
3. Did I do my best to be engaged?
4. Did I do my best to build positive relationships?
5. Did I do my best to set clear goals?
6. Did I do my best to make progress toward goal achievement?
More Questions
1. What are you going to start doing, or doing more of?
2. What are you already doing that you are going to continue?
3. What are you going to accept, i.e., what are you not doing now but may need to start?
4. What are you going to stop doing?
Keeping It Specific
Questions can get as specific as needed depending on the client's life situations. A few examples:
1. How many minutes did I spend writing?
2. How many sit-ups did I do?
3. How much time did I spend outdoors in nature?
4. Did I say or do something nice for my family?
Want to learn more about Marshall Goldsmith’s 6 Daily Questions Process?
Check out the full blog post where we cover it all in detail.
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