Crafting a Career  in Coaching [A Walkthrough for Aspiring Coaches]

The term coach was initially associated only with sports. However, it gradually flourished and is today a highly rewarding profession.  Here’s what you need to know to craft a career in coaching.

There’s More to Coaching Than Meets the Eye

What Coaching Is & What It Is Not

A coach helps clients develop the required skills for overcoming challenges, enhancing productivity & achieving  desired outcomes.  But a coach isn’t a mentor, therapist, counsellor, consultant or trainer.

Types of Coaches

As a professional coach, you must cater to specific clients rather than trying be a Jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-none.  Choosing a niche keeps you at the top of your game.

Is Coaching the Right Career Option  for You?

Are you a good listener and love to lend a hand to others? Are you ready to invest in training and continuous learning? If yes, coaching may be just  right for you.

Do the Groundwork

Getting certified by a recognized institute gives you a jump-start to your coaching career. A great way to learn the ropes of the business is by providing pro bono sessions first.

What Comes Next?

Once you are ready for the next level, choose a niche for yourself.  Create a marketing and sales strategy and focus on maximizing prospects. Don’t forget to keep honing your skills.

Do you think coaching is right up your alley and want someone to show you  the right way?  Your search ends here.  Read to know more.