20 Instagram Reel Ideas for Career Coaches Everywhere

All career coaches post tips, so think about your audience and the common challenges they face, and then think about your unique coaching approach, then create tips accordingly

1. Quick career tips 

Talk to clients with whom you have a good rapport and on whose career you’ve made significant impact, and ask them for consent to talk about their journey, without any personal details

2. Success stories 

Just like fitness challenges, you can set career-related challenges for followers. For example, a resume-creation challenge with specific rules for formatting, design, and so on

3. Challenges 

No matter how high up in the corporate world you are, interviews are intimidating! Coming from you, interview preparation tips will go a long way, and Reels will help keep it visual and relatable

4. Interview preparation 

Use Instagram’s “Ask me anything” feature to gather audience insights, and then make Reels on them.

5. Q&A sessions

Read the blog post for more Instagram reel ideas, and tips for executing them!